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Über Max

Seit mehreren Jahren erfolgloser Betreiber eines Youtube- und Twitchchanels, ehemaliger Co-Host der Highscore Heroes, Bibliotheksmitarbeiter und Nerd mit diversen Sammelleidenschaften.

Rollenspiel Taverne #128 Monster of the Week – O.P.U.S. Folge 10 Orakel und Krieger

Monster of the Week Revised Edition
Text copyright © 2015 Michael Sands
Art and Spell-Slinger playbook copyright © 2015
Evil Hat Productions, LLC and their respective creators
All rights reserved Mail: Twitter: @PiratenzenderDE / @Zhemni Youtube: Zhemni T.W.O.

herunterladen / itunes

Rollenspiel Taverne #127 Monster of the Week – O.P.U.S. Folge 9 88 Meilen pro Stunde

Monster of the Week Revised Edition
Text copyright © 2015 Michael Sands
Art and Spell-Slinger playbook copyright © 2015
Evil Hat Productions, LLC and their respective creators
All rights reserved Mail: Twitter: @PiratenzenderDE / @Zhemni Youtube: Zhemni T.W.O.

herunterladen / itunes

Rollenspiel Taverne #126 Spezial 3 Apocalypse Key One Shot: Das Haus der Zeit

Intro, Outro und Trenner by Johnny M.

Am Ende folgt ein kleiner Feedback Part.

Apocalypse Keys • Playtest Edition
© 2021 Evil Hat Productions, LLC, Sword Queen Games, and Jamila Nedjadi.

An Evil Hat Productions publication in partnership with Sword Queen Games •
@EvilHatOfficial •
First published in 2021 by Evil Hat Productions, LLC,
10125 Colesville Rd #318, Silver Spring, MD 20901.
Evil Hat Productions and the Evil Hat logo are trademarks owned by Evil Hat Productions, LLC. Sword Queen Games and the Sword Queen Games logo are trademarks owned by Sword Queen Games.
The law of fair use gives you significant rights to quote, critique, and innovate on this work and to print selections for personal use. For those working at a copy shop and not at all sure if this means the person standing at your counter can make copies of this thing, they can. This is “express permission.” Carry on.
This is a game where people make up stories about wonderful, terrible, impossible, glorious things. All the characters and events portrayed in this work are fictional and worth celebrating. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental, or possibly evidence of an interdimensional incursion event and requires top secret clearance to access.

All rights reserved
Twitter: @PiratenzenderDE / @Zhemni
Youtube: Zhemni T.W.O.

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Rollenspiel Taverne #125 Monster of the Week – O.P.U.S. Folge 8 1898

Monster of the Week Revised Edition
Text copyright © 2015 Michael Sands
Art and Spell-Slinger playbook copyright © 2015
Evil Hat Productions, LLC and their respective creators
All rights reserved Mail: Twitter: @PiratenzenderDE / @Zhemni Youtube: Zhemni T.W.O.

herunterladen / itunes

Rollenspiel Taverne #124 Monster of the Week – O.P.U.S. Folge 7 Bankraub

Monster of the Week Revised Edition
Text copyright © 2015 Michael Sands
Art and Spell-Slinger playbook copyright © 2015
Evil Hat Productions, LLC and their respective creators
All rights reserved Mail: Twitter: @PiratenzenderDE / @Zhemni Youtube: Zhemni T.W.O.

herunterladen / itunes

Rollenspiel Taverne #123 Monster of the Week – O.P.U.S. Folge 6 Der wandelnde Maibaum

Monster of the Week Revised Edition
Text copyright © 2015 Michael Sands
Art and Spell-Slinger playbook copyright © 2015
Evil Hat Productions, LLC and their respective creators
All rights reserved Mail: Twitter: @PiratenzenderDE / @Zhemni Youtube: Zhemni T.W.O.

herunterladen / itunes

Rollenspiel Taverne #122 Monster of the Week – O.P.U.S. Folge 5 Was ist eigentlich Grillen?

Monster of the Week Revised Edition
Text copyright © 2015 Michael Sands
Art and Spell-Slinger playbook copyright © 2015
Evil Hat Productions, LLC and their respective creators
All rights reserved Mail: Twitter: @PiratenzenderDE / @Zhemni Youtube: Zhemni T.W.O.

herunterladen / itunes

Rollenspiel Taverne #121 Monster of the Week – O.P.U.S. Folge 4 Full Moon Saloon

Monster of the Week Revised Edition
Text copyright © 2015 Michael Sands
Art and Spell-Slinger playbook copyright © 2015
Evil Hat Productions, LLC and their respective creators
All rights reserved Mail: Twitter: @PiratenzenderDE / @Zhemni Youtube: Zhemni T.W.O.

herunterladen / itunes

Rollenspiel Taverne #120 Monster of the Week – O.P.U.S. Folge 3 Willkommen in Greystone

Monster of the Week Revised Edition
Text copyright © 2015 Michael Sands
Art and Spell-Slinger playbook copyright © 2015
Evil Hat Productions, LLC and their respective creators
All rights reserved Mail: Twitter: @PiratenzenderDE / @Zhemni Youtube: Zhemni T.W.O.

herunterladen / itunes

Rollenspiel Taverne #119 Monster of the Week – O.P.U.S. Folge 2 Deadfingers Inn

Monster of the Week Revised Edition
Text copyright © 2015 Michael Sands
Art and Spell-Slinger playbook copyright © 2015
Evil Hat Productions, LLC and their respective creators
All rights reserved Mail: Twitter: @PiratenzenderDE / @Zhemni Youtube: Zhemni T.W.O.

herunterladen / itunes